Monkeys in the Sand
Monkeys, puppets, and monkey puppets. But no puppet monkeys.
Friday, January 28, 2005
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
More adventures on the Internets
Well, Part Deux didn't go as swimmingly. The post which started it out was much worse, but the Comments were just ridiculous. In terms of facts, etc., I kicked the poster's arse, but rather than admit it, he only granted that I presented "a superset" of what he said. What the hell? Then he got all petulant and closed down the Comments section. He did however say that I was "POTENTIALLY one of the smarter people here" but I was "so worried about winning a rhetorical debate" that I left my "brain in the drawer" leading me to say "things that if [I] thought about [I] would not have said. (multiple times)."
Man, if I had a dollar every time I heard that one!
CB, you're right -- we need to find a way to get those people over here so we can BLOW THEIR FUCKING MIND.
Jesse's adventures on the Internets
I spend a good deal of time -- way too much time -- yesterday evening and this morning on a conservative blog. Something I do from time to time, part for that "staring at a horrific accident" feeling I also get from Fox News, part to see what the Other Side says. Normally I don't post, I just read.
But yesterday they started going off on environmental science. Apparently some scary environmentalist-types went off and said we had a 10-year deadline before climate change becomes catastrophic. I'm no expert on climate change, but this seems ridiculous on its face, and I sure hadn't heard anything in the atmospheric chem community. Funny how environmental scientists and serious environmentalists just ignored it while right-wingers took it to be a reflection of the state of modern environmentalism. But anyway, the post's original point was valid, regardless of what you might think of global warming: the warning isn't based on science, so it can safely be ignored.
But then people started attacking real environmental science, making false claims about what scientists "used to think". So I posted a comment, calling them out on it -- asking for a single reference supporting their claims. Predictably, I got yelled at, mostly by some borderline-psychotic woman named Julie. Check out the Comments -- they're fun!
What I found interesting is that the entire right-wing anti-environmental blogosphere (god I hate that word) takes as fact that in the 1970's scientists widely believed that thanks to pollution, we were headed to a new ice age. This is simply not true; it was based on one paper from 1971, which was quickly retracted in 1972. Hardly scientific consensus. Interestingly, that link (a great reference site for climate change) was kindly provided by someone much more open-minded than most people on the site -- he believed the ice age myth until investigating my claims and finding that site. As you can see from the Comments, most people couldn't come up with a single bibliographic reference to back up their claims; one came up with the 1971 paper but didn't know about the 1972 retraction.
So, in my first internet argument, I actually got a
"Score one for Jesse."
and a
"Let's just end it by saying that [Jesse] won this one by default."
Which, if I do say so myself, is as close to victory as one might reasonably expect in an internet argument, particularly one against right-wing nutjobs. Victory Is Mine!
Part II coming up later...I really should get some work done this morning.
Friday, January 21, 2005
Holy. Fucking. Shit.
We now have a counter so we can learn about all the people who visit our site.* I hope I included enough digits to fully document all our internet traffic -- not sure what happens once we get our 99999999999999999999999999999999th visitor. Presumably if that happens, We Win.
I have blocked my IP address so that my visits don't count. It's like how academics can't cite their own papers to boost their citation numbers. Cornbread and Me/orpheus -- email me your IP addresses if you like.
There are all sorts of interesting stats we can now learn about the people who visit our site. What city they are in, how long they visited, what their IP address is, the last page they visited, what search engine strings they typed to get here, etc. Cornbread or Me/orpheus -- email me if you want the username and password to our stat counter. Hell, if any of you non-Cornbread/Meorpheus people are interested, I'll send it to you also. Just email me so I know you exist first. Hell, include your IP address so I can block you also!!!
Did you see we got our first Comment From the Outside World? Welcome JRH!
* further proof that IAAWM**.
** "I Am A WebMaster", for those of you not paying attention.
This Volkswagen Ad is awesome. (Too bad it's a hoax.)
I assume this is a hoax too, but it's pretty hilarious anyway.
Thursday, January 20, 2005
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
I am still a Webmaster.
I moved the ads -- which are now about blogging! -- to the sidebar. Damn I'm good. Who's the idiot who said blogging is for people who don't know html?!?
I was a Webmaster in 1996. It is 2005, and I am still a Webmaster.
This Blog Rocks.
Let's see... The first day we discussed plans for our blog. The second day we talked about our blog's ads. And one of us forgot his password so can never post ever again. Now, on the third day, we're sick and tired of this blog thing.
Tuesday, January 18, 2005
good job, cornbread!
We got our first ad! Only, it's a Public Service Announcement. Well, we won't make money, but at least we are Saving the World. Not bad for a blog's second day. Just imagine what this blog will be doing in a week from now!
Today's winner.
I am the winner for today for I have posted first. I was also the winner yesterday. I also posted more than Earl and Morpheus combined. Therefore, I deserve more of our Google AdSense money.
Monday, January 17, 2005
We started this blog almost 12 hours ago and I still have yet to see ONE DAMN DIME. Why are we not rich yet? Cornbread, you're our ticket out of here, you do something.
holy crap.
Here are the last 1000 new posts to 1000 posts made in 5 minutes. Makes you feel small. Really really small. But then you take a look at some them, and you don't feel as small anymore, because most of them suck big donkey ass.
Dude, you have got to use Google, which is a "search engine". Once you do you'll realize that "vlog" is short for (shutter) "video weblog", which sounds as bad as it is. (Like my farts!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA)
I like "bwog". Did you know it can be used as an acronym for "Bloody Wall Of Gore"?
I agree about the whole "blog" concept being a piece of shit. Nice article, though -- see, you've already managed to make money off blogging! You don't have to believe the hype to profit. Hmmm...maybe we should start a blog!
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck.
I just googled "blawg". Turns out it's an accepted term, meaning "law blog". (Drink.) Isn't that just disgusting? I mean, "blog" (drink) is bad enough, and yet someone found a way to make it worse! No wonder people hate lawyers so much.
We need a new spelling. Pronto.
"Blahg" and "blagh" are common variants, though if we make it more like a barfing sound, such as "blagghh" or "blagghhh" or "blaggghhhh", there are many fewer people using it to mean "weblog", and more people using it to mean (sound you make when you vomit). Or maybe they're just short for "weblagghhhh".
Remember back when I was thinking about a Gimmick for this Blawg? It looks like we've stumbled upon one, by accident. (As opposed to the purposeful sort of stumbling we usually do.) Apparently every entry in this Blawg will be about this Blawg, making it a sort of Meta-Blawg.
Googling "Meta-blog" (drink!) yields a bunch of stupid sites which are "blogs about blogs" (drink twice), except for one which has a stupid name but is sort of clever.
So, without further adieu,
- yes, we need to start making money off this blawg, pronto. I mean, that's what the Internets are for, right?
- we also need a counter to see how may people visit this blawg every hour.
- I like the changing-template idea. Makes keeping a Monkey Icon difficult however.
- Here's a mind-fuck (or, as they say in Setswana, a mind-futsek) for you: is the word self-referential self-referential? How about the word non-self-referential?!?
- Also, Star Wars.
much better.
Now I have a better username.
For some insights into the Greatest Movie Ever Made, check out imdb. Okay, good, I can link to other pages. And now that Cornbread can post pictures, there's no limit to what we can do!
The first comment is right: it is a catchy theme song. But I can't find the lyrics anywhere. I did however learn that Jurassic 5 made a clever reference to the movie:
"Why you rap or bit of styles in the third degree
Myself and 7even tight like Cornbread Earl and me"
We may be the only people in the world outside of Jurassic 5 to understand that reference. But now that it's on the Internet, everybody will know.