Wednesday, January 19, 2005

I am still a Webmaster.

I moved the ads -- which are now about blogging! -- to the sidebar. Damn I'm good. Who's the idiot who said blogging is for people who don't know html?!?

I was a Webmaster in 1996. It is 2005, and I am still a Webmaster.


At 6:27 PM, Blogger Gareth said...

The ads move to unexpected places in Internet Explorer because of its poor CSS support. In Firefox, they will appear where you might expect, but in IE they will screw things up -- but ONLY if you pick a Ad layout that is TOO WIDE. Pick a thinner one! (like the skyscraper)
I discovered that, it was driving me loopy. Check out your blog in both browsers and you'll see what I mean. Now check out mine in both browsers, and you'll see they look just about identical, with the ads in the same place.


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