Saturday, February 19, 2005

after a brief hiatus

Wow, to coin a phrase, "blogging's been light". But now that little Dahlia has come into the world, and Cornbread no longer gets to sleep, hopefully it'll pick up soon.

Let's get started: some guy in Somerville, MA has unveiled his newest creation, an answer to Christo's The Gates. It's pretty clear which one is better.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Two things

1) Anyone notice Me only posts when he's drunk?

2) We really should use more web acronyms. Here's a pretty comprehensive list. I submitted TMFBS -- let's see if it gets posted. Then we'll be famous I think.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Holy fucking shit.

...Where to begin?

1) sorry about the lack of response to your Shatner post, CB. I just really had nothing to say. It's

2) Me-orpheus: nice job with the orange lettering!

3) Has Cindy not had little Jojoba yet? Dammit, I was sure I was going to win. I certainly had the best explanation for my chosen time. That's worth something, right?

4) Why does our site not pop up when you google "Monkeys in the Sand"? This makes me worried, and confused. And somehow aroused.

5) Patriots by 10.

5) Missed the SOTU address. Word is that the only thing worse was the rebuttal. God, something has to be done about that. They were terrible under Clinton, and they're terrible now.

6) I bet you were wondering why there were two 5's, huh?

7) Liveblogging -- great idea. Vodkapundit did an experiment in liveblogging while drinking, but didn't go nearly far enough. Our liveblogging experience should be much more alcohol-related.

8) I like the Jojoninja Kapelke birthblogging, but I don't think it'll fly. What should be our first attempt? I'll be in a bar (in Boston!) for the Superbowl, so that won't work.