Friday, January 21, 2005

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

We now have a counter so we can learn about all the people who visit our site.* I hope I included enough digits to fully document all our internet traffic -- not sure what happens once we get our 99999999999999999999999999999999th visitor. Presumably if that happens, We Win.

I have blocked my IP address so that my visits don't count. It's like how academics can't cite their own papers to boost their citation numbers. Cornbread and Me/orpheus -- email me your IP addresses if you like.

There are all sorts of interesting stats we can now learn about the people who visit our site. What city they are in, how long they visited, what their IP address is, the last page they visited, what search engine strings they typed to get here, etc. Cornbread or Me/orpheus -- email me if you want the username and password to our stat counter. Hell, if any of you non-Cornbread/Meorpheus people are interested, I'll send it to you also. Just email me so I know you exist first. Hell, include your IP address so I can block you also!!!

Did you see we got our first Comment From the Outside World? Welcome JRH!

* further proof that IAAWM**.
** "I Am A WebMaster", for those of you not paying attention.


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